I'm back from my first trip to Boston, and ready for my next trip to Cover to Cover, my favorite children's book store. The trip was a success, great weather, good kids and fun for all. Now I can get back to reading and hopefully a little golfing before I leave again the end of July.
On my next trip to Cover to Cover, here's what I'll be buying.
Monkey With a Tool Belt and the Noisy Problem by
Chris Monroe: Apparently this is the

second story involving a monkey and his tool belt and it's funny. I really need to see the first one to see if it's just as funny. In this one there is a strange noise that the monkey needs to fix. He discovers the noise is coming from the elephant stuck in the laundry chute, kids are going to love that, there's something about elephant jokes they find very funny. Combined with fun pix and a list of tools on the monkey's belt that is laugh out loud funny, this book will be a hit in THE PIT!
at Cat Can't Stay by
Thad Krasnesky Illustrated by
David Parkins: Dad keeps refusing stray cats in this rhyming book, but the family keeps talking him into letting them stay. The cats keep coming and Dad keeps losing the battle. In the end we find that Dad is really a dog person. Very fun pix and rhyming story. The author also has an interesting story, having served three tours in the Army in Iraq and currently is an instructor at West Point.
A Year Full of Holidays by
Susan Middleton Elya Illustrated by
Diana Cain Bluthenthal: Lit

tle Nell loves her birthday and can't wait for it to come around again. Her mother shows her that if she keeps track of the holidays through the year it will help her remember when her birthday is getting close. From there the book goes through each month and the holidays that are celebrated. It's a simple rhyming book with colorful pix that I can see younger grades, especially kindergarten, using for a look at the holidays through the year.
Cupcake by
Charise Mericle Harper: When the Cupcake Family is introduced, one little plain vanilla cupcake w

ith delicious white frosting feels left out. All of his fancy brothers and sisters get chosen first and he is left because of his lack of decoration. At last a plain candle comes along to make suggestions about what to decorate the plain cupcake with, suggestions like peas, pancakes, an egg and even a squirrel are tried. When the obvious happens and the candle climbs on the cupcake, it's still not enough and the candle suggests a potato. Very funny and the kids, especially the younger ones, will appreciate the ridiculous suggestions.
Cool interview with the author at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup.My first trip to Cover to CoverMy next trip to Cover to Cover
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