
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Strong and Capable - #SOL18 3/3/18

**I'm so grateful to the #SOL community for welcoming me each and every time I post a slice. Thank you so very much to the team at Two Writing Teachers for coordinating and hosting this slicing community for the entire month of March for the Slice of Life Challenge. You all rock!!**

During this year's challenge, my plan is to reflect on a slice of my life from that day, or the day before, and write about it. No theme to tie my writing together this year, no plans ahead of time.  Just glimpses into slices of my days. Not having a plan is a very uncomfortable place for me, both as a person and a writer, so fingers crossed for the next 29 days!

*This was a small section of my conversation today with my trainer, Tami, as she got very particular about each of my strength training exercises.*

Me: You didn't use to be this picky. I'm not sure I'm a fan.

Tami: You didn't use to be this strong and capable.

I started with a tad of a whine, and a little bit of a pout as she was pushing me to dig deeper into my work with her. Her analysis completely floored me: "strong and capable." Those are not words I associate with myself.

During the rest of our time together today, I zipped my lips when it came to whining, and I noticed I began to put forth more and more effort. After she identified me with those words, I felt a need to really rise to the occasion. As we progressed through the rest of our session, I paid close attention to the specific adjustments she asked me to make, and I made them. The workout got difficult today, but I did it.

Maybe that strong and capable person was lurking there all along, just waiting for someone to identify it for me, and make me believe in it.

Postscript: And as an educator, I couldn't help but think about all the students out there that don't feel they are strong and capable; they just need someone to identify that to be a truth about them so they can rise to the occasion as well.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Strong and capable -- I think you are both. Remember... that is why I called you at a time I needed someone strong and capable. Love your connection to students --it is important we hear this especially in areas of our lives in which we don't feel as strong or capable. Thank you for sharing!

  3. What a powerful moment to capture. It strikes me as one of those gifts we receive more often when we are living life as a writer. You've inspired me to listen more closely today.

  4. Karen, you ARE strong and capable! I can relate to this story in my own training sessions. It's kind of funny - you do begin to feel strong and capable when someone believes in you. So true for students, too.

  5. Empowering ourselves and empowering kids are two important things. You are strong and capable, Karen!

    Glad you're jumping in -- sans plan -- this year. Every time I try to plan, I find up never sticking with it. Not having a plan often leads me to better places in my writing since I live a more wide-awake life.

  6. Some big truth here! I am going to try to keep this phrase in mind this week as I am talking to kids. Strong and capable. Strong and capable. Strong and capable.
