The information below came from the "home" blog for this event.
"Within the kidlitosphere, the children's literature bloggers comprise and reach a very broad audience. One of the group's greatest assets is its collective, community-minded approach to sharing information and ideas. Through events like blog tours, authors and illustrators have had wonderful opportunities to share their story and their craft. Given the success of tours for "producers," what about an event for and by the people who create and engage their readers: teachers, librarians, parents, and people passionate about literacy?
Voila! Share a Story - Shape a Future is just that event. This is an ensemble effort not only to celebrate reading among those of us who already love books, but to encourage each other to reach beyond ourselves and do it in a way that we are neither judging nor instructing others. This is a venue for communicating practical, useable, everyday ideas.
The event begins March 9, 2009 and lasts one week. Each day we will have a group of bloggers sharing ideas around a specific theme. There are a number of book giveaways and free downloads that will be announced by the various hosts as we get closer to the kickoff.
hosted by Terry Doherty at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, the Reading Tub blog
- Finding Time at Home - Tricia Stohr-Hunt @ The Miss Rumphius Effect
- Making Time in the Classroom - Sarah Mulhern @ The Reading Zone
- Helping a Reader in Need (remedial readers) - Sandra Stiles guest post on Scrub-a-Dub-Tub
- It's Bigger than the Book: Building Strong Readers at any Age with a Daily Dose of Read Aloud - Cathy Miller interview on the Share a Story - Shape a Future blog
- Keeping Gifted Readers Engaged - Donalyn Miller @ The Book Whisperer
hosted by Sarah Mulhern at The Reading Zone
- The ABCs of Reading: Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers - Valerie Baartz on The Almost Librarian
- How to Help Emerging Readers - Anastasia Suen @ Easy to Read blog
- Helping Middle Grade Readers - Sarah Mulhern @ The Reading Zone
- Booklists and Read Alikes - Sarah Mulhern @ The Reading Zone
- Using Non-fiction - Mary Lee Hahn of A Year of Reading, hosted by the Stenhouse blog
hosted by Susan Stephenson at the Book Chook blog
- Ten Terrific Tips from Read-aloud Queen, Mem Fox - on the Book Chook blog
- Conquering Stage Fright - Interview with Sarah Mulhern/The Reading Zone @ the Book Chook
- Reading Aloud With Kids: A Dad's Perspective - hosted by Steven and Brian at Book Dads: Fathers that Read
- Using Technology for Read Alouds - Sarah Mulhern @ The Reading Zone
- What to Do When the Reading is Done - Aimee Buckner, hosted by the Stenhouse blog
- Reading Aloud with Independent Readers - Donalyn Miller @ The Book Whisperer
Day 4: A Visit to the Library
hosted by Eva Mitnick at Eva's Book Addiction blog
hosted by Eva Mitnick at Eva's Book Addiction blog
- From Cozy to Cool - Library Spaces for Everyone - Eva @ Eva's Book Addiction
- Lions and Marble and Books, Oh My - Betsy Bird at A Fuse #8 Production
- How to Make the Library Work for YOU - an interview with Adrienne of What Adrienne Thinks About That conducted by Jules at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
- The World Beyond the Library's Walls - Melissa @ Librarian by Day
is hosted by Elizabeth O. Dulemba at Dulemba.com
- Audiobooks with Bruce Coville of Full Cast Audio and Mary Burkey of Audiobooker
- E-books with Harold Underdown of The Purple Crayon and Sheila Ruth of Hornbook
- Podcasts with Andrea Ross of Just One More Book! and Cheryl Rainfield of cherylrainfield.com
- A resource of links to audiobooks, e-books, podcasts and webcasts @ Dulemba.com.