First, we have breakfast pictures with Stella from My Life, Mi - Mundo, Mary Lee and Franki from A Year of Reading, Katie from Creative Literacy, Abby from Authentic Learner, Karen from Talkworthy, and Karen and Bill (that's us!) from Literate Lives. Yummy breakfast, gr
All of us posing with books we'll be reading in the next 48 hours on the story steps at the best children's bookstore ever, Cover to Cover! A huge thanks to owner, Sally Oddi, for generously hosting us today!
Bill and I arguing over one of the free ARCs Sally allowed us to take. This one really belongs to Bill, but it is illustrated by Kadir Nelson, so I had to at least try to talk him into giving it to me!
One of the other bonuses of being at Cover to Cover today -- getting to hear Sarah Prineas talk about her new book, The Magic Thief. Of course, we got signed copies, and she signed in code! It was especially impressiv
This has been an amazing first day! I look forward to getting up early tomorrow and continuing the fun!!
It was a BLAST, wasn't it! I just finished Terry Thompson's Adventures in Graphica. Put it on your pile if you haven't already read it. Bill, you, too. Wrap the cover in brown paper. No one has to know. I certainly would never tell.