I would really love to see Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer Holm win something this year. To me, it's the perfect Newbery book, great writing, excellent story, engaging characters and most importantly...KID FRIENDLY!
I have put this book into the hands of a large number of students and all of them have loved the story. Each one passes it to a fried with glowing descriptions and the book is never on the shelf. Each student has a different reason for liking it, some of them pick out one of the characters that really speaks to them, some of them love the setting because they've visited Key West, and some of them love it because they are fans of Jennifer Holm's other titles. Whatever the reason, all of them love the story. It's fun and entertaining with enough twists to keep the reader moving.
I wrote a full review of the book back in June and called it the perfect summer time read. Well now that the thermometer isn't going much above 30 and the sun is a rare sight in Columbus, I'm calling it the perfect winter time read. Just start reading and picture yourself on the sun drenched beaches of Key West, you won't be disappointed!
Other Reviews:
Dog Ear
Not Acting My Age (cool blog name)
After reading your June review, I put Turtle in Paradise on my summer list, read it, and loved it. I believe I mentioned it in a summer blog post. Thanks for bringing this gem to my attention again. Jennifer definitely gets my vote! ~Theresa