I'm always on the look-out for new book titles to add to my science picture book collection, especially the books I've collected that deal with life science. In my 5th grade classroom, we talk about food chains, food webs, and the interdependence of living things within an ecosystem.

Several years ago, one of my colleagues (thanks, Sarah!) introduced me to a great book called
Butternut Hollow Pond. It was a wonderful way to look at a pond ecosystem and how the living things within that ecosystem interact. It has served as a wonderful "kick off" to this life science unit for the last several years.
After acquiring Butternut Hollow, I started to look for books about other ecosystems and the living things within them. Looking at this wonderful collection of picture books I have brought into our classroom library is so much better than the science textbook reading!!
So, when I stumbled upon a new title (new to me; it was published in 2009) last sprin

g at a conference, I had to have it.
Whoo Goes There by Jennifer A. Ericsson and illustrated by Bert Kitchen is a delight, and a wonderful companion book to Butternut Hollow Pond. The reader is introduced to Owl, who just wants something to eat, and is really craving a tasty mouse. Page after page shows us the different animals Owl sees in his ecosystem and why they won't work for him. More importantly, the author shares with the reader what the other animals in the ecosystem are eating. Perfect follow-up to food chains!
It is written lyrically, with repeated refrains. It is a nonfiction picture book that would appeal to many ages through elementary. I think I will read this right after we dissect our owl pellets next week, and find the skeletons and skulls of the animals the owls have eaten. What fun to wrap up that hands-on activity with such a lovely picture book.
I'm delighted to put
Whoo Goes There? in my classroom library.
Missed this one on the radar thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMaria - you are most welcome!