When I saw that the book is produced by the Smithsonian I knew that it would be good. The book answers twenty or so questions about the White House from who designed it to how first families relax in the White House. The questions are answered in easy to understand language, appropriate for second grade and up. Younger students will enjoy the pictures of the family pets, bowling alley and movie theater.
Several articles include web sites that kids can access to gain further information. For example, there is a Smithsonian link www.npg.si.edu/exh/gw/lands.htm that takes readers to a portrait similar to the one that Dolly Madison saved. The link is included in the article that answers the question "Why did the White House burn?" I'll be able to use this feature in the library when teaching internet research and how to use it to extend information.
Another feature that I liked is the interview with the White House Curator, William G. Allman. The interview consists of 12 questions that only the curator could answer including information on his job and "insider" information on living in the White House. The book also includes more websites to visit and a list of other titles that will enhance a student's learning about our presidents' residence.
As we get closer to electing the next resident of "the people's house" kids will enjoy finding out more about 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
More Non Fiction Monday at Picture Book of the Day.
I trust y'all on the content completely, but WHAT is up with that cover? It looks kinda frantic--or maybe I've just had too much coffee this morning!