I'm still building my list of read alouds for the year, constantly on the lookout for the books that will make the cut for THE PIT! Here are three more candidates.
Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake by Michael B. Kaplan; illustrated by Stephane Jorisch: Betty Bunny is a picky eater who doesn't enjoy trying new things. Her mom talks her into trying chocolate cake and of course she falls in love saying,"I'm going to marry chocolate cake!" As the story go

es on she is obsessed with chocolate cake and will go to any length to get it. She becomes quite contrary over chocolate cake and has to learn some discipline and patience waiting for more. Very fun story and excellent illustrations. The surprise ending will make it a fun read aloud.
More Reviews:
Waking Brain Cells
Read it Again Mom! (cool blog name)
A Pet for Miss Wright by
Judy Young; Illustrated by
Andrea Wesson: Miss Wright is an author who works alone. When she wishes for some companionship Miss Wright heads to the p

et store and goes through several different animals that just don't seem to work out. Finally she picks out a dog who not only is good company, but also an inspiration for her writing. The adventures with the animals that don't make the cut provide some very funny stuff and I love the illustrations.
More Reviews:
Buckeye Bookworm (cool blog name)
Through the Looking Glass
Pig Kahuna by Jennifer Sattler: Two pig brothers wander the beach looking for "treasure." The treasure they find is probably trash to most people, but they find uses for the stuff they find. When a surfboard washes up on the beach they collect it, give it a face and call it Dave. Neither one of them thinks to actually surf on the board, that's dangerous, however, when the board washes out to the waves with one of the pigs aboard, the brothers are introduced to a whole new beach adventure. Jennifer Sattler's other books, Sylvie and Chick n' Pug have been very popular in THE PIT so I'm pretty sure The Pig Kahuna will be loved and not stay on the shelves very long.
More Reviews:
Jen Robinson's Book Page
Time Out New York Kids
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