Today is the annual Dublin Literacy Conference (which as a side note, looks to be amazing!!), and Bill and I will be presenting again in a small breakout session. Since we started Literate Lives 3 years ago, we have offered to share the books we love each year at this conference.
Our current attendance number for our breakout session is designated at 44 educators. We're very excited about that, but when I saw that concrete number, it immediately made me reflect on what I've learned during my PLP experience this year -- the importance of collaboration, communication, creation, and connections beyond the 4 walls of the classroom. Since I believe all four are essential to my continued learning, I realized that I wanted this list that Bill and I have created to reach a larger audience than just the people who signed up for our session - though I would like to say a huge thank you to each one of them for choosing to spend time with us on a very busy Saturday!!
With that in mind, I am adding the link to our booklist here (it sits in a googledoc site that is public to people with this link). Hopefully, you won't have any difficulty accessing the site.
My hope is to continue the idea of collaboration, communication, creation, and connections with this booklist. Once you look at our booklist, please stop back and share with us and the rest of our community what books we didn't include that you think should be there and why. Our list is by no means comprehensive, but with just a few exceptions, we are only sharing books published in 2010 or thus far in 2011. If we missed something, we'd love to have you add to our thinking.
We are much smarter as a group than we are individually - thanks for collaborating and connecting with us!!