I was able to read Killing Kennedy on the first trip and Hero on a Bicycle on the second, but a bus load of kids doesn't really make for an ideal reading environment for me! Now things are set, nothing on the calendar between now and August 10 when we move our son into the dorms at Ball State in Muncie, Indianan.
Here's my plan. Usually I read the reviews in School Library Journal and place reserves at the public library but a Kirby Larson post on Facebook changed my plan. Her book Hattie Ever After has been nominated as one of the notable books for 2013 by the ALSC. I looked at the list and thought this would be a great place to start my summer reading. I'm going to see how many of these books I can read in the coming days and I'm also going to do my best to post about my findings. I've been a bit lazy and slack of late and I'm going to try to fix that starting with this post.
As I looked over the list, I'm proud to say I've 11 of the 19 picture books, many of them already purchased for the Bailey library. I'm only able to cross over 3 of the fiction books and don't even get me started on the non-fiction, actually, that's exactly what I need to do, get started on the non-fiction!

So there you go, I know it's not much, but it's a start. I'm off to the library to see if any of my reserves are in!