
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Monday, What Are You Reading??

I have been following the bloggers who post on Mondays about what they've been reading, and have loved seeing the variety of books and materials being read.  So, I've decided to join in the fun.  And yes, I do know that today is Tuesday, but my blog partner had such a great post on Monday about what he was doing with a NCFL grant he received, I didn't want to steal his thunder.

So, here are the books I was reading on Monday, or getting ready to read!!

First of all, this past Saturday, many of the Central Ohio bloggers met for breakfast and book browsing at our favorite independent children's bookstore, Cover to Cover.  You know what happens when a bunch of book-lovers are all in the same place?  Recommendations out the wazoo and my credit card getting a strenuous workout!!  But seriously, how fortunate I feel to live so close to such great people, great readers, and great minds!

Second, Bill and I wrapped up our Looking for Newbery series, and we both made the same commitment - we need to read more and track our reading throughout the year.  I have actually set a goal of reading 150 books this year (way up from last year's number), and GoodReads tells me I'm 5 books ahead of where I need to be.  Hope I can keep this up!!  This past week, books I read were:
  • Scumble by Ingrid Law
  • Neversink by Barry Wolverton
  • Eye of the Storm by Kate Messner
In addition, I am one of second round judges for the Cybils nonfiction picture book category and our conversations are starting to intensify, so I finished reading all the finalists in my category as well.  Though, I can't talk about them in depth here, let me say that each book has some great entry points for students.  Here is a picture of those books:

Finally, I am eagerly looking forward to the stack of books I brought home from Cover to Cover last Saturday.  So many great choices, it's hard to know what to read next!  Next week, I'll have more information about what those choices are.

Hope everyone has a great reading week!  Head over to Jen and Kellee at Teach Mentor Texts to see what even more people are reading!


  1. Your group getting together sounded like loads of fun (I read Mary Lee's post yesterday). I am envious. And I love the stack you bought-Am looking forward to The Mighty Miss Malone & Wonder. I will look up the others, too. Thanks for telling about them, & good luck on your reading goals!

  2. My votes are for the One and Only Ivan and Wonder. :]

    Though I haven't read Cold Cereal yet. Or Pandemonium. So I don't know. Maybe they are super awesome, too?

    You have some great looking ones in that stack that I've not heard of. I'm going to go read a bit of my own (been so far behind the last while!) and then look them up.

    Been a blog follower for a long time. Keep it up!
